Campbell, Shelly
Shelly Campbell is a physician assistant seeing patients at CMU Student Services. She comes to the clinic with several years of Emergency Medicine experience. She earned her PA degree from Central Michigan University. Before becoming a PA, she was an ER/ICU nurse. She has earned her associate’s degree in nursing from Lansing Community College and has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Michigan State University. Before medicine she was a Federal Law Enforcement Officer for the National Park Service.
More about Shelly Campbell
Associates Degree of Nursing, Lansing Community College, Lansing, Michigan (MI)
Bachelor of Arts, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan (MI)
Master of Science, Physician Assistant, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan (MI)
Bachelor of Arts, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan (MI)
Master of Science, Physician Assistant, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan (MI)